Minutes - Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, 13 May 2024

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held Monday, 13 May 2024 at 7:30pm in the Committee Room at Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe Community Centre.
2024/05-1 Election of Chairman.  Cllr Cat Stephenson was proposed and seconded for the appointment.  There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED to re-appoint Cllr Cat Stephenson as Chairman and he duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
P: DH; S: PM, All in Favour
2024/05-2 Election of Vice-Chairman. Cllr Paul Maw was proposed and seconded.  There being no other nominations, it was RESOLVED to re-appoint Cllr Paul Maw as the Vice- Chairman and he duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
P: DH; S: CS, All in Favour
Public Session.
Both LCC and ELDC Ward Members were not in attendance and had not submitted any reports.
Two members of the public attended the meeting and raised the issue of the barrier installed at Mill Lane in Legbourne. The structure was unsightly and not in keeping with the area.  They wanted to know why it was installed and the choice of the material used. There was uncertainty on what purpose it served and requested that the Parish Council take the issue further with LCC and discuss options that will be a better fit and more pleasant.  It was noted that the Parish Clerk also received a number of email complaints and there were many residents who voiced their discontent on social media.
The two residents left the meeting 8pm.
2024/05-3 Record of Members Present and Apologies. 
Present: Cllr Cat Stephenson (Chairman), Cllr Paul Maw (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Madeleine Exley (Cllr ME) and Cllr David Harrison (Cllr DH)
Apologies accepted: Cllr Shaun Cole
Also present:  Mrs Nadine Must (Parish Clerk).  
2024/05-4 Chairman’s Welcome and Remarks. No further reports provided.
2024/05-5 To receive any Declarations of Interest on any item on the agenda. Cllr ME declared her interest on the Speed Indicator Device agenda item 2024/05-10c.
2024/05-6 Minutes from 11 March 2024.  It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting was an accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes.
P: ME; S: DH, Passed
2024/05-7 Council Matters
a) Annual Review of Policies.  The Council reviewed all its current policies and agreed that the documents were still relevant except for the Safeguarding policy. Cllr ME reported that there have been a number of new legislations and certain terms were no longer used.  The Parish Clerk will check with LALC for further guidance and Cllr ME will also forward to the Parish Clerk recent updates to the policy which can be adapted for parish council use.   The Clerk to renew all other policies on the council website.
i. Standing Orders
ii. Financial Regulations
iii. Data Protection Policy
iv. Privacy Notice
v. Complaints Procedure
vi. Environmental Policy
vii. Health and Safety Policy
viii. Equal Opportunities Policy
ix. Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons Policy – for review
b) Appointment of representative to Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe Community Centre.   Cllr ME will continue to represent the parish council.
c) Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance. The Parish Council expressed their appreciation for the presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting and was disappointed that very few residents attended the meeting.  It was resolved to donate £150 to the charity as a thank you gesture.
P: PM; S: DH, AllinFavour
d) Actions from Annual Parish Meeting.  There were very few residents who attended the meeting to discuss and pursue community projects.  It was resolved to defer the Village Map Project until the next annual parish meeting.  The Neighbourhood Watch Scheme will also not be progressed.  Due to the lack of interests from residents, there was a discussion on how to increase the number of parish councillors.    It was noted that although the vacancies had been promoted and published in the monthly newsletter for the last three months, no applications have been received. A Save Your Parish Council leaflet was proposed and the Parish Clerk will send a draft for approval which will be delivered to all households. It was also agreed that there will be a Parish Council stall at the Village Fete on 14th July to gather some interest from the residents.
e) Actions from previous meeting.  Noted. 
f) Correspondence Received.  Noted.  Cllr ME will attend the next engagement session with Lincolnshire Police on 27 June 2024.
2024/05-8 Finance and Budgets
a) Review of End of year Receipts and Payments 2023-2024.  Noted and approved.
b) 2023-2024 AGAR.  The Council noted the Internal Auditor’s report.
c) 2023-2024 AGAR. The Council reviewed and approved the Governance Statement.
d) 2023-2024 AGAR. The Council reviewed and approved the Accounting Statements and all other supporting financial records.
e) The Council approved the Certificate of Exemption.   The Chairman and Clerk both signed the relevant forms for submission to the external auditor and for publication on website.
f) Payments.  The Council resolved to accept the following payments for May 2024.  It was also resolved not to register with the LALC Annual Training Scheme.  Councillors and Parish Clerk to attend as required and Council to pay as non-members.


Amount (£)


Parish Clerk Salary and expenses April and May 2024



J Cooper - Internal Audit



Annual Parish Meeting Refreshments - Reimbursement to Parish Clerk



Ink Cartridges - Reimbursement to Parish Clerk



SLCC Membership



LALC Annual Membership 2024/25



Christopher Exley – Solar panel kit for Speed Indicator Device



Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance Donation



CAS Limited - Parish Council Insurance 2024/25





P: ME; S: DH, All in Favour

g) Parish Council Insurance.  There were only two proposals received for consideration from the four insurance firms contacted to quote. It was resolved to accept the quote from CAS Limited of £363.13 raising the municipal infrastructure valuation to £42,500 from £32,380 which increased the reinstatement value of the Village Pump.
P: DH; S: ME, All in Favour
2024/05 – 9 Planning Applications
a) N/100/00504/24 Blanchards, Reston Road.  The Parish Council resolved to support this application
b) N/100/00606/24 | Thatched Cottage, Poplars Lane.  The Parish Council resolved to support this application
c) N/100/00607/24 | Thatched Cottage, Poplars Lane - Listed Building Consent.  The Parish Council resolved to support this application
d) N/105/00628/24 | Land Adjacent to 23 Legbourne Road.  The Parish Council had no objection.
e) There were no other applications received between agenda close and meeting.
2024/05 – 10 Community Initiatives.
a) Legbourne Picnic Site.  No changes or updates.
b) Bus shelter refurbishment.  Work is still in progress
c) Speed indicator device (SID).  A solar panel attachment has been successfully mounted on the recorder.  The Parish Council was grateful to Mr Exley for his work and the invoice was approved for payment.  The SID with its new attachment is currently installed at the west entrance to the village. It was agreed to consider purchase of another SID at the next meeting.  The Parish Clerk to source suppliers.
d) Scarecrow Festival. The dates have been agreed and the festival will run from 11th to 26th August.  It will be launched at the Village Fete on 14th July. It is proposed to finish the festival with a Bonfire event in November when the scarecrows will be lit up.
2024/05 – 11 Highways
a) Househams Lane. No update.
b) Fixmystreet reports. The street lights at Mill Lane are still not working.  The Parish Clerk to chase LCC and to contact Npower for urgent repair.
Closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:
2024/05 -12 Parish Clerk Performance Appraisal. The Parish Council had no concerns and commented that the Parish Clerk was doing a fabulous job.  All extra hours will continue to be paid and the annual increment started in April.  Training will be supported and the costs will be divided pro-rata with the two other employers.  It was resolved to set another review in six months to ensure that both parties were happy with the agreements.
End of closed session.
2024/05 – 13 Agenda items for next meeting scheduled 8 July 2024 
Cllr ME is sending her apologies to the meeting as she will be away.
The meeting closed at 9:33pm. 
Signed __________________________________ (Chairman) Date:  ______________