Legbourne is a Parish in the East Lindsey District of the County of Lincolnshire, with its centre approximately two miles from the town of Louth.
Parish Councils are part of the structure of Local Government in the UK, serving villages and local communities by providing some services but also by communication and liaison with other tiers of Local Government (County and District Councils) and other organisations.
In Legbourne's case, the Parish Council is responsible for assets such as the Village Pump, Bus Shelter, Noticeboards and some of the seats / benches in the village. It regularly liaises witb Lincolnshire County Council on Highways issues and East Lindsey District Council on Planning policy and applications. It may also make contact with these Councils on other matters e.g. footpath / countryside issues or waste collection.
The Parish Council normally meets at 7.30pm on the second Monday of every other month. At the Annual Meeting in May, the Council elects a Chairman / Vice Chairman, nominates members for extarnal roles (e.g. Village Hall Management Committee) and reviews its governance arrangements.
The Council may also also call an "extraordinary" meeting from time to time to discuss a specific issue that needs to be resolved quickly e.g. responding to a planning application within a statutory timescale.
Legbourne PC has seven seats, currently occupied by the following councillors:
Cllr M Exley - me.legbournepc@gmail.com (Chairman)
Cllr P Maw - 01507 601177 pm.legbournepc@gmail.com (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr D Harrison - 07836 225904 dh.legbournepc@gmail.com
Cllr S Cole - 01507 601177 - scole.lpc@gmail.com
Cllr N. Oliver - no.legbournepc@gmail.com
The clerk to the Parish Council is Nadine Must: legbourneparishcouncilclerk@gmail.com
Your East Lindsey District Councillor is:
Councillor Adam Grist, Hillside House, Watery Lane, Little Cawthorpe, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8LZ. Telephone: 01507 608117 adam.grist@e-lindsey.gov.uk
Your Lincolnshire County Council Councillor is:
Councillor Sarah Parkin - CllrS.Parkin@lincolnshire.gov.uk.