Draft Minutes - 9 September 2024

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday, 9 September 2024 at 7:37 pm in the Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe Community Centre.
Public Session.  There were no members of the public present.
Reports from Outside Bodies:
a) ELDC Ward Member.  Cllr A Grist sent his apologies
b) LCC Ward Member.  Cllr S Parkin sent her apologies.
2024/09-1 Election of Chairman.  Following the resignation of Cllr C. Stephenson, Cllr Madeleine Exley was voted in as the new Chairman.  The Declaration of Acceptance of Office will be sent to Cllr Exley for her signature.
P: PM S: DH, All in favour 
2024/09-2 Record of Members present and apologies 
Present: Cllr P Maw (Acting Chairman) (PM), Cllr S Cole (SC), and Cllr D Harrison (DH)
Also Present: Mrs N Must (Parish Clerk)
Apologies accepted: Cllr M Exley (ME), ELDC Ward Member Cllr A. Grist and LCC Ward Member Cllr S. Parkin
2024/09-3 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.  None declared.
2024/09-4 Minutes from 8 July 2024.   It was resolved that the draft minutes were accurate and the Acting Chairman signed the official minutes.
P: DH S: PM, All in favour
2024/09-5 Chairman’s Remarks 
a) Grimsby to Walpole Pylons Proposal. The Acting Chairman read the email correspondence received from a resident citing the issue of South Reston Parish Meeting being excluded from consultations.  As a Parish Council, Legbourne has sent its strong objection to the National Grid Electricity Transmission Team and will continue to oppose it if there is no change to the proposal because of the significant damage to the landscape and tourism.  The Parish Council will continue to monitor project updates and respond accordingly.
b) Barclays Bank account.  The change to the bank mandate has been resolved and Cllr C. Stephenson has been deleted as a signatory.
2024/09-6 Council Matters
a) Safeguarding Policy.  It was resolved to adopt the draft policy prepared by the Parish Clerk.  A Safeguarding Officer will be chosen at the next annual parish council meeting.
b) Speed Indicator Device.  It was resolved to accept the updated quote from Elan City and purchase the Evolis Vision Solar-powered radar speed sign. The Parish Clerk to ask for payment details and Cllr PM will take delivery.
P: PM S: DH, All in favour
c) Actions from previous meetings. The Clerk’s Report was noted. 
d) Correspondence Received.  Noted
i. Safety of Lithium-ion batteries.  The Council resolved to support this campaign and will upload campaign materials on the parish council website.
ii. Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan Consultation. The Council considered the consultation and resolved to send a response to Lincolnshire County Council stating that Legbourne does not have any suitable nominations for mineral sites to put forward.
2024/09-7 Finance and Budgets
a. Payments.  The following payments were approved.


Amount (£)


Parish Clerk Salary and expenses (August and September 2024)






LIVES (Defibrillator battery and pads



Elan City – Evolis Solar-powered radar speed sign





P: DH S: PM, All in favour

b. Latest Receipts and Payments and Bank Statements. Receipts and Payments were reconciled with the bank statements and the Parish Council reviewed payments against budget for monitoring purposes.
2024/09-8 Planning Applications considered.
a. N/100/01325/24 | Section 73 application to vary condition | Land Behind The Woodlands, Mill Lane, Legbourne.  The Council resolved to support the changes which is a vast improvement to that previously approved. 
b. There were no other applications received between agenda close and meeting.
2024/09-9 Community Initiatives
a. Bus Shelter Refurbishment.  It was noted that Louth Men’s Shed will start work in late September or early October, weather permitting.
b. Scarecrow Trail.  The event was highly successful with over 90 scarecrows displayed in both Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe which attracted both locals and visitors and was noted in the local press and BBC Look North. The next community newsletter will run an article thanking all those who supported the event and noting each of the four scarecrow category winners. The contributions for costs were as follows:
Legbourne Parish Council Banner and flyer printing £199.54
Legbourne Community Centre Trophies £  60.00
Little Cawthorpe Parish Council Village maps £140.00

The Council is hopeful that this event will run again and that sponsorship and fundraising campaigns will secure future events without further funding from the parish council.

A suggestion was made that the map needs better identification of where the displays were located.
Closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business discussed:
2024/09-10 Legbourne Picnic Site.  The Council considered the report and resolved to submit its feedback to Lincolnshire County Council.  Due to the confidential nature of this item, the feedback is not available to the public.
End off closed session.
2024/09-11 Highways
a. Tree on the triangular roundabout on Mill Lane/Wood Lane. This has been resolved.
b. Beck at Mill Lane.  No progress on the greenery for planting to mitigate fencing.
c. Househams Lane. No update.
d. FixmyStreet reports
i. Lights at Mill Lane.  This has been chased and LCC is still waiting for the electricity provider to fix the problem.
2024/09-12 Community Centre.  No further updates. The Parish Clerk will submit a full-page article for publication in the next village newsletter to recruit new parish councillors.  There is a risk of the parish council collapsing with not enough councillors to ensure quorum at meetings.  The situation of both South and North Reston residents not having a parish council is a case in point.  The residents have been excluded from voicing their concerns on major consultations which affects them.
2024/09-13 The next meeting is scheduled for 11 November 2024. 
Purchase of a new defibrillator to be added to budget proposals for the next financial year.
The meeting closed at 9:25 pm. 
Signed __________________________________ (Chairman) Date:  ______________