Draft Minutes - 13 January 2025
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday, 13 January 2025 at 7:30 pm in the Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe Community Centre.
Public Session. One member of the public attended and commended the parish council for the new speed indicator device located at the western entry to the village. He also requested that the parish council consider putting boot cleaning brushes at selected sites in the village for walkers/ramblers to clean their footwear, especially during the winter months. He will send a link to suppliers.
Reports from Outside Bodies:
a) ELDC Ward Member. Cllr A Grist apologised for missing the last few parish council meetings due to schedule conflicts with briefing sessions at the district council. He reported that ELDC was going to receive a substantial grant which will be allocated to parish and town council projects. A one-off capital grant funding scheme will be available in the next few months to fully fund community projects.
b) LCC Ward Member. Cllr S Parkin was not present and did not send any reports.
2025/01-1 Record of Members present and apologies
Present: Cllr M Exley (ME) (Chairman) Cllr P Maw (Vice Chairman) (PM), Cllr S Cole (SC), and Cllr D Harrison (DH)
Also Present: ELDC Ward Member Cllr A Grist and Mrs N Must (Parish Clerk)
2025/01-2 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest. None declared.
2025/01-3 Minutes from 11 November and 29 November 2024. It was resolved that the draft minutes of both meetings were accurate and the Chairman signed the official minutes.
P: PM S: SC, All in favour
2025/01-4 Co-option. The Council unanimously voted to accept the application by N Oliver to be co-opted to the parish council. The Clerk will send all the necessary forms for completion.
P: SC S: PM, All in favour
2025/01-5 Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman wished everyone a happy new year and reported that it has been challenging weather wise, especially the flooding in the parish. A review of the Emergency Plan will be a good idea to ensure adequate measures are in place in case of worsening situations.
2025/01-6 Council Matters
a) Siting of Elan City’s Evolis Vision Radar Speed Sign. This has now been installed at the eastern entrance to the parish, just inside the 30 mph limit sign, to alert drivers of their speed. It has proven to be effective and has been welcomed by residents. Access to the data recorded requires some software, and the Chairman will look into this.
b) New Defibrillator. This has now been installed and registered with The Circuit. Residents have been informed on the facebook page of the community centre. The Parish council to be informed of the disposal of the previous device.
c) Clerk’s Report. The report was noted
d) Correspondence Received. Noted
i. ELDC Town and Parish Council Survey. The Council completed the survey and will be submitted to ELDC. The Council is broadly supported to fulfil their roles and has the tools required to run properly. Requests for further information are sent to the relevant Ward members of ELDC and LCC in order to resolve issues.
ii. Possible free glider flights in 2025. The Council agreed to send their interest and to be informed if and when the scheme goes ahead.
iii. WhatsApp group set up. There was no need for the parish council to set up and administer a group. It was noted that there were other local social media channels residents can sign up for notices on local crime and information.
iv. Community Speed Watch volunteers. An article for the next village newsletter will be submitted to find volunteers to sign up.
v. LCC Budget and Council Tax proposal survey. The Parish Council opted for Option A which is a 2.99% increase in council tax. Any higher tax proposal will not be welcome. As a parish council representing residents, the councillors are minded that there have been significant increases in the cost of living and less money in residents’ pockets.
2025/01-7 Finance and Budgets
a. Payments. The Parish Clerk salary and expenses of £650.95 was approved for January 2025.
P: PM S: DH, All in favour
b. Precept submission to ELDC. Precept amount of £6,610 was noted.
c. Latest Receipts and Payments and Bank Statements. These were noted. The account balance on receipts and payments reconciled with the bank account statements.
d. Barclays Bank Business Savings Account. The Council noted that the interest rate was lowered from 1.4% to 1.35% from 11 March 2025
2025/01-8 Planning Applications.
a. There were no applications received for consideration.
2025/01-9 Community Initiatives
a. Bus Shelter Refurbishment. This work is now on the top list for Louth Men’s Shed and will be completed weather permitting. The owner of the property bordering the bus shelter will be informed including any works to be done on the hedge.
2025/01-10 Legbourne Picnic Site. The Chairman reported that she has not been able to monitor recently but will be able to do so later this month. There have been no reports from the police or LCC.
2025/01-11 Highways. No updates have been received from LCC Ward Member regarding the items below. The Clerk to send an email to LCC Ward Member and ask for updates.
a. Blind bends in the parish
b. Beck at Mill Lane
c. Househams Lane
d. FixmyStreet reports
2025/01-12 Community Centre. The first meeting of the community centre for 2025 is not until tomorrow. The committee will discuss how best to organise and promote events that will be well supported.
2025/01-13 Date for the 2025 Annual Parish Meeting and the schedule of parish council meetings for Financial Year 2025/26
The Parish Council has agreed the following schedule. The Council resolved to continue to meet on the second Monday bi-monthly with an earlier start of 7pm starting in May 2025. All meetings will continue to be held at the Community Centre.
2025/01-14 Agenda items for next meeting scheduled 10 March 2025
a) Review of Emergency Plan
b) Litter-picking event date
c) Discuss suitable projects for ELDC funding scheme
The meeting closed at 9:15 pm.
Signed __________________________________ (Chairman) Date: ______________