Minutes - Extra-Ordinary Meeting 29 November 2024

Minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting held Friday, 29 November 2024 at 7:30 pm in the Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe Community Centre.
Public Session. The two members of the public present were those whose planning application was the reason for the extraordinary meeting being held. A narrative was given to explain the amendments being considered, to that of the original planning application, answering the Councilors questions where appropriate. 
Reports from Outside Bodies:
ELDC Ward Member, Cllr A Grist & LCC Ward Member, Cllr S Parkin sent their apologies 
2024/11/2-1 Record of Members present and apologies
Present: Cllr M Exley (Chairman) (ME), Cllr P Maw (Vice Chairman) (PM), Cllr S Cole (SC),
and Cllr D Harrison (DH)
Apologies accepted: Mrs N Must (Parish Clerk), ELDC & LCC Ward Members as above
2024/11/2- 2 Declarations of Interest. It was noted that the Vice Chairman declared that he owned a neighbouring property to the planning application considered.
2024/11/2- 3 Planning Application
Councillors considered the Planning Application N/100/01741/24| Section 73 application to vary condition no. 2 (approved plans) as previously imposed on planning permission reference N/100/00827/23 for the change of use of existing fish farm and paddock to holiday let accommodation including the erection of 8no. holiday cabins| Cawthorpe Springs Trout Farm, Wood Lane, Legbourne, LN11 8LU.
Following discussion, the unanimous decision was to support the new proposals but with the caveat that all other conditions previously imposed on the planning application N/100/00827/23 dated 29 April 2024 are carried forward to this amendment.
2024/11/2-4 Agenda items for next meeting scheduled 13 January 202
The meeting closed at 8:10 pm.
Signed (Chairman) Date: