Minutes - Legbourne Parish Council Meeting, 8 July 2024

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held Monday, 8 July 2024 at 7:30pm in the Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe Community Centre.
Public Session.  There were no members of the public present.
Reports from Outside Bodies:
a) ELDC Ward Member – Cllr A Grist sent his apologies
b) LCC Ward Member – Cllr S Parkin was not able to attend the meeting.
2024/07-1 Record of Members present and apologies. 
Present: Cllr C Stephenson (Chairman)(CS), Cllr P Maw (Vice-Chairman) (PM) and Cllr D Harrison (DH)
Also Present: Mrs N Must (Parish Clerk)
Apologies accepted: Cllr S Cole (SC), Cllr M Exley (ME), ELDC Ward Member Cllr A Grist and LCC Ward Member Cllr S Parkin
2024/07-2 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest.  None declared.
2024/07-3 Minutes from 13 May 2024.   It was resolved that the draft minutes were accurate and the Chairman signed the official minutes.
P: DH S: PM, All in favour
2024/07-4 Chairman’s Remarks.  The Chairman read out the report submitted by Cllr Exley with regards to attendance at the Summer Fete and judging at the Scarecrow Event.  The Chairman volunteered to do both.
2024/07-5 Council Matters
a) Safeguarding Policy.  The draft policy prepared by the Parish Clerk was considered but the Council resolved to defer adapting the new policy and wait for the recommended policy draft to be submitted by Cllr ME.
b) Speed Indicator Device.  The Council looked at the different devices available and agreed to source the device from Elan City.  The Clerk to request a more comprehensive quote on the Evolis Solar-Mobile Pack including two or three extra brackets.
c) Councillor Vacancy Poster.  The two versions drafted by the Clerk were considered.  It transpired that there may be councillor vacancy leaflets still in storage that was provided by NALC if the Chairman can find the spare copies.  The leaflets will be made available at the Sumer Fete to persuade residents to join the Parish Council.  It was noted that there are not enough members to guarantee a quorum at meetings.  The Vice Chairman also provided some parish maps to display on the parish council stall at the Village Fete.
d) Actions from previous meetings. The Clerk’s Report was noted.  There was no update on better signage at the Picnic Site.  The refurbishment of the bus shelter is still work in progress.  The streetlights on Mill Lane is still not working and should be chased on FixmyStreet. The Performance Appraisal report was agreed and signed by the Chairman and Parish Clerk.
e) Correspondence Received.  Noted
i. Public Space Protection Order.  It was resolved that there were no additional protection orders required in Legbourne.
ii. Parcel pick-up points.  It was resolved that there was no requirement for parcel pick-up points in the parish.
iii. Policing Priority Survey.  This was noted.
2024/07-6 Finance and Budgets
a. War Memorial.  The request from Legbourne Churchwardens/All Saints Church for a donation to cover the cost of cleaning the war memorial was considered and it was resolved to grant £400 towards the full cost.  Legbourne Parish Council exercised its power under War Memorials (Local Authorities Powers) Act 1923, section 1 as extended by LGA 1948, section 133.
P: CS, S: PM, All in favour
b. Scarecrow Trail.  It was agreed to pay for the cost of the banner and leaflets to promote the Scarecrow Event. Legbourne Parish Council had agreed to part-fund the event with Legbourne Community Centre.  The Parish Council requested that a full costing of the event be submitted at the next parish council meeting in order for the Parish Council to determine the overall cost and budget accordingly.
c. Payments.  The following payments were approved: 



Amount (£)


Parish Clerk Salary and expenses June and July 2024)



Legbourne Churchwardens/All Saints Church



Hi-Lite Signs Limited (Scarecrow Event banners and leaflets)










P: DH S: CS, All in favour

d. Latest Receipts and Payments and Bank Statements. Noted
e. AGAR 2023/24 acknowledgement/receipt from External Auditors. Noted
2024/07-7 Planning Applications considered.
a. N/100/00970/24/DC | Discharge of conditions no. 3, (details of doors and windows) and no. 4 (samples of roof tiles) imposed on N/100/00607/24 | Thatched Cottage, Poplars Lane, Legbourne, Louth, LN11 8LY.  The Parish Council resolved to support this application.
b. N/100/00833/24 | Planning Permission - Extension and Alterations to existing shop and cafe. | Cafe and Tackle Shop, Frog Hall, Furze Lane, Legbourne, LN11 8LR.  The Parish Council resolved to support this application.
c. There were no other applications received between agenda close and meeting.
2024/07-8 Community Initiatives
a. Tree on the triangular roundabout on Mill Lane/Wood Lane blocking the streetlight.  This was reported on FixmyStreet by residents and given the reference 2809945. LCC agreed to action.
b. Entrance gates.  The Vice Chairman monitored the west side gate on the East end of the village and noted that a post has rotted.  It was resolved not to repair at the current time but will continue to be monitored.
c. Litter pick. It was agreed that there is no need to organise one as it is too late in the season.
d. Bus Shelter Refurbishment.  No further update.
e. Scarecrow Trail.  The banner and leaflets have been ordered and the event has been promoted on the village newsletter.
Closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:
2024/07-9 Legbourne Picnic Site.  The Council considered the report from LCC and resolved to defer its decision until the September meeting when Cllr Exley (ME) will be in attendance.  Cllr ME has been actively monitoring the site but was not in attendance at the parish council meeting. The councillors at the meeting was mindful to get Cllr ME’s comments.
End of closed session.
2024/07-10 Highways
a. Rights of Way.  The Council did not have any comments on this consultation.
b. Beck at Mill Lane Splash barrier. The Council agreed to wait until the greenery planting that is planned along the water's edge has softened the impact of the structure.  The Clerk to send an update on the situation to those residents who have complained.
c. Househams Lane. No update.
d. FixmyStreet reports
i. Lights at Mill Lane.  The lights are still out of order and need to be chased.
2024/07-11 Community Centre.  The Chairman read out the information submitted by Cllr ME who reported that Robin Peck would take the Chair’s role.  Judith would stay on as Finance until the committee finds a replacement and Linda would continue as Secretary.  It was also agreed to remove the cricket wicket, to enable additional football pitches for the clubs now taking advantage of the outdoor amenities 
2024/07-12 The next meeting is scheduled for 9 September 2024.
The meeting closed at 9pm. 
Signed Cllr Paul Maw (Acting Chairman) Date:  9 September 2024